Friday, May 25, 2007

More than a Blog!

I was already excited about this even more. I really enjoyed the readings this week. I was amazed to learn how versatile Web Logs are. I thought they were just electronic journals with an added interactive component. I can really see how I can use a Web Log as my classroom website. The possibilities are endless! My favorite part of the reading was about The Secret Lives of Bees. I am very interested in this and wonder how I could adapt it for my third grade classroom. Hmmm, sounds like an idea for my Blog Lesson Plan...

Friday, May 18, 2007

My First Blog!

Wow! I never thought I would have my own blog (but, secretly wanted too). I am really excited about this course this summer, for that very reason. I have not had a lot of exposure to blogs, wikis, or podcasts. I am very intrigued by the idea of using these within my classroom. I talked with my students a little about it today, telling them how I would have my own blog on the Internet. I was amazed at how much they knew about them...much more than I did. 2 students talked about how they go to sites and read blogs written by some of their favorite TV personalities. I have never really "felt" like a Digital Immigrant before...until my third graders showed me what it means to be a Digital Native. I asked a few if they would be willing to tutor me this summer (lol)!