Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Exit Experience

Wow! This whole concept of our exit experience just blows my mind. While I am sure we will not be at a loss for words, I am finding it hard to figure out where to start. Talking about all I have learned and how my teaching practice has changed as a result is a phenomenal amount of information to try to warp my brain around. It is amazing the things I have learned, not just about education and teaching, but also about teachnology and myself. My brain is buzzing in my head like a trapped bee in a jar. I am very grateful to have Amy and Wendy there for support, encouragement, and collaborative teamwork. This is going to be a very exciting event...even with all the stress that Bill keeps trying to tell us we shouldn't worry about! Come on, Bill, you can't tell me you didn't have just a little when you had to do it?

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Podcast Thursday

Another day of firsts! I loved seeing how easy it was to use a microphone. In no time, I was working away at creating our advocacy podcast...I was even cutting out long pauses and adding sound. Audacity was easy to pick-up, which means my students will have no trouble with using it (after a little tutorial). This will definitely be a wonderful tool to use with my third graders. I can see them creating their own podcasts, narrating their own stories, and even creating books on tapes for younger students. The possibilities are exciting! I also enjoyed reading about podcasting in Will Richardson's book. It really opened my eyes to how podcasts can be used and what learning outcomes I can expect to see.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

PSA Tuesday

Yesterday we had to have our public service announcements completed for class. This was really a lot of fun! I played camera girl, but especially loved editing the footage and making a movie. My husband played mentor and guided me through the steps and even showed me a few neat tricks. I can't believe I never thought of using this type of activity with my third graders. I can definitely see a few PSAs done on water conservation, soil conservation, or another such topic. This would fit into our unit and include lots of writing with the treatment and storyboard needed. But most importantly, an authentic problem to anchor the unit. I can't wait to try it next year!

Monday, June 18, 2007

School Culture

The reading for this weekend was on School Culture in our Teacher Leadership book. I completed the Happy Hour and sent it on its way to my mentor. Her feedback included a question that really got me thinking: Does my school's culture encourage collegiality? At first thought, Yes! We have no walls, which requires us to work more closely and respectively with each other. I have always felt that our school works collaboratively naturally. But on closer reflection I saw some discrepancies, with my own grade level in particular. It has always been one filled with tension and I realized we are the only grade level that does not plan together. I plan with one colleague, while the others plan individually. I coteach with the colleague I plan with occasionally, but the others do not. Why is this only happening in our grade level? Is is a personality conflict? I guess the next step is to devise a plan where I can help change this... be the teacher leader we are reading about. It is a small change, but one that could irrevocably influence student learning outcomes in a positive way...if done right! It's a scary thought and will take both courage and support, because I know how a few of the teachers on my grade level will respond to my encouragement for change.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Protected Elementary Teacher Planning

In class on Wednesday, we worked on our position papers for our Advocacy Wiki. Working on this paper really got me feeling the excitement for our advocacy. As our group found more and more research, I felt myself wanting, more and more, to make this real. I listened to other elementary teachers discuss how they had no planning during the last week of school, but in the same breath list the myriad of task that HAD to be completed by the end of the week. All these feelings were reinforced when I lost my entire afternoon on Thursday with meetings. I was given 10 minutes to eat before I was in an IEP meeting from 1:00-2:45pm. Then I was visited by an attorney for a student at 3:00 pm and that lasted until 4:30 pm. I was never helped by administration. This just reinforced the feeling that my time is not valued, nor my family's time, since I had to complete the work that should have been done during that time at home. New thoughts began to surface in my mind...Could I really be someone to start an advocacy for this in Spotsylvania County? Or join forces with those who have begun on this journey already?

Friday, June 1, 2007

Wikipedia Wednesday

I really enjoyed having the opportunity to make a real entry for Wikipedia on Wednesday. The great big world just got a little smaller for me. The most amazing part was that within minutes...and for some, simultaneously...posts were being edited. I agreed with Bill about how I felt a little righteous about others editing OUR school information...I mean, how would they know, right? Or do they????

Friday, May 25, 2007

More than a Blog!

I was already excited about this even more. I really enjoyed the readings this week. I was amazed to learn how versatile Web Logs are. I thought they were just electronic journals with an added interactive component. I can really see how I can use a Web Log as my classroom website. The possibilities are endless! My favorite part of the reading was about The Secret Lives of Bees. I am very interested in this and wonder how I could adapt it for my third grade classroom. Hmmm, sounds like an idea for my Blog Lesson Plan...

Friday, May 18, 2007

My First Blog!

Wow! I never thought I would have my own blog (but, secretly wanted too). I am really excited about this course this summer, for that very reason. I have not had a lot of exposure to blogs, wikis, or podcasts. I am very intrigued by the idea of using these within my classroom. I talked with my students a little about it today, telling them how I would have my own blog on the Internet. I was amazed at how much they knew about them...much more than I did. 2 students talked about how they go to sites and read blogs written by some of their favorite TV personalities. I have never really "felt" like a Digital Immigrant before...until my third graders showed me what it means to be a Digital Native. I asked a few if they would be willing to tutor me this summer (lol)!