Friday, June 1, 2007

Wikipedia Wednesday

I really enjoyed having the opportunity to make a real entry for Wikipedia on Wednesday. The great big world just got a little smaller for me. The most amazing part was that within minutes...and for some, simultaneously...posts were being edited. I agreed with Bill about how I felt a little righteous about others editing OUR school information...I mean, how would they know, right? Or do they????


KAmos said...

It does give me a little odd feeling to think anyone can go out and change what you think is the relevant information. I do wish that Wikipedia was a truly trustworthy site. Why are there people that always have to mess with stuff by adding incorrect information? I think the concept of wikis is fabulous, and I can see their worthiness in schools.

Josh said...

I think that it makes it cool...that it doesn't have to be one person for who credit can be given. I know some people really like to be given the kudos, but to have the entire world work together on it...pretty cool to me. Of course just like you and Kristen said it stinks to have people screw it up. Luckily so many people are watching and looking that if it does get messed up it gets fixed pretty quick:)

mommy2Bof3 said...

I agree with Josh. Something collaborated on has so much they always say 2heads are better than one. I think the great thing about Wikipedia is that thinks do get fixed up pretty quick. It you look at any topic, it is so complete and very accurate. It is amazing!